Somewhere between the laboratory-produced cannabis that never sees the sun and the wild cannabis growing in the hills of India lies the mom-and-pop outdoor farms…
Patrick Wagner
In cultivation, few things are absolute. One of them, however, is indisputable: Plants need oxygen to grow. The question is, how much? Often, we assume…
Industry growth Despite steady gains seen by Colorado’s cannabis industry for six full years, with an average growth rate of 21.6% annually since the start…
Six years after becoming the first state in the union to officially allow adult-use marijuana sales, Colorado’s legal industry remains one of the largest and…
Cannabis in Colorado Over the course of the coming months, Marijuana Venture will explore every legal market in the country with a series focused on…
The rapid growth of CBD products across the last decade — which has outstripped even the most enthusiastic of estimates — has produced in its…
The petitioners in Washington v. Barr, a historic lawsuit that sought to declare unconstitutional the federal law that criminalizes marijuana, received an enormous amount of…
Over the past six years of running a cannabis retail store — that has now occupied three different locations in Chelan County, Washington — American…
Predictably, a lawsuit was filed in mid-September against the DEA and its acting administrator, seeking to invalidate the agency’s interim final rule (IFR) titled “Implementation…