Washington’s cannabis industry has more than its fair share of difficulties. Emerald Leaves owner Duane Dunn has faced them all and more. For six years,…
Between labor costs, hazardous waste fees, and the cost of the bulbs themselves, maintaining an HPS system is a burden to your bottom line.
The man considered by the Last Prisoner Project to be the longest-serving non-violent cannabis prisoner in the country was released in early December by the…
Developers and landlords need to catch up. Retailers are responding to the 2020 grimness in real time. But consider these facts: Today, there is more…
Through her recently published memoir, “A Knock at Midnight,” Brittany K. Barnett takes readers inside the U.S. criminal justice system and shows the devastating effects…
Recreational or medicinal cannabis is now legal in 35 states and the District of Columbia. But cannabis is still a Schedule I controlled substance under…
The legal cannabis industry has long been criticized for its lack of diversity. Although almost every new market that has come online in the past…
The marijuana business has grown by leaps and bounds in just 10 short years. Currently, marijuana is legal for medicinal purposes in 36 states and…