Since the first CBD products began hitting the mass market several years ago, there have been questions about whether they actually contained the amount of…
Anybody who’s ever shopped for, or sold, CBD products at retail knows there’s a tremendous price disparity between the highest priced brands and the lowest…
In many ways, manufacturers and consumer demand remain well ahead of government regulators when it comes to CBD and CBD-infused products, creating some confusion in…
As the cannabis industry matures, the volume of partnership break-ups, investor lawsuits, employee actions and contract disputes increases. Most written agreements now have terms for…
The world-wide outbreak of COVID-19 has been unprecedented in many ways, including the manners in which governments have responded. In the United States, as in…
CBD is poised to be a major disruptive force across a variety of markets, but none more so than in the food and beverage and…
It’s painful to read, but the United States has one of the highest obesity rates in the world. As a hyper-industrial society that’s obsessed with…
The beverage industry is possibly the most ubiquitous market that CBD could possibly enter. Everyone drinks a beverage of some sort; it’s a fundamental human…
With skin being the largest organ in the human body, it makes sense that skin care would be a massive industry — one with a…