As the cannabis industry matures, the volume of partnership break-ups, investor lawsuits, employee actions and contract disputes increases. Most written agreements now have terms for…
The world-wide outbreak of COVID-19 has been unprecedented in many ways, including the manners in which governments have responded. In the United States, as in…
Cannabis industry insiders commonly joke that a year working in cannabis is like a dog year in any other business, because things are constantly changing.…
Add a recent appellate court opinion from New Jersey to the growing trend of workers compensation decisions holding that insurance companies and employers must reimburse…
A number of new laws have recently gone into effect that could have a dramatic impact on businesses and their relationships with employees, including those…
The global threat of COVID-19 has wreaked havoc across all industries, particularly those that rely upon tourism and events as their main sources of revenue.…
With more than 9,500 cannabis business licenses already issued in Oklahoma, ambitious operators are rushing to gain a foothold in the most crowded marijuana market…
As many have come to realize, cannabis is one of the most challenging industries in which to operate a business. COVID-19 presents yet another challenge…
In our effort to bring Marijuana Venture’s Interchange event to new markets, a few states came to mind as the obvious choices, and Colorado was…
Retained executive search has been the focus of my career for the past 20 years, which has included thousands of hires for hundreds of companies…