Back in June 2017, as I returned home from a college reunion trip, I learned the exciting news that Prime Wellness of Pennsylvania was one…
I first wrote about Roger Stone several months ago, after someone claiming to be his grandson sent email blasts to cannabis industry people seeking help…
Then comes the fun part. In the first round of selection, we judge by subjective marketability: Does the smell pop, tantalize or capture your attention?…
Over the holidays I read the fascinating book “Bad Blood,” a New York Times best-seller about the rise and fall of Theranos and its founder…
Our focus is on flower cultivation and manufacturing concentrates, two things Kiva doesn’t do. As both companies grow, we wouldn’t be creating a potentially awkward…
Structures are built from taxes collected to better serve the gathering population. Jobs are created by the visionary entrepreneurs. Lending institutions are established to help…
Last year I visited the RAD (Retail and Dispensary) Expo in Portland, Oregon, and in order to grasp current challenges in the cannabis industry, I…
Welcome Oklahoma and Michigan! It’s been an interesting five years since we started publishing Marijuana Venture. Judging from the feedback we receive at trade shows…
Traditionally, on the day after the Super Bowl, much of the water cooler conversation — and online discussion — focuses on the commercials. But this…
Advancements in refinement/isolation and extraction technology have made safety and dosing of modern concentrates easier than ever. Because of that, it is important for people…