The OG Collective’s retail sales floor in Cathedral City, California.
Scott Lambert
The OG Collective
Cathedral City, CA
The final countdown has begun! By the time you read this column, California will be a fully functioning recreational and medical Cannabis Mecca.
As I have said many times before, California is and always will be the epicenter of the cannabis movement in the United States and throughout the world. With that comes a tremendous amount of responsibility and pressure to set the example and to “raise the bar” of what legal cannabis could, should and will be. From growing the purest and strongest flower, to producing the cleanest and highest quality concentrates, to making the tastiest edibles on the planet, California is about to show the world how it’s done.
The retail experiences, such as with our store, The OG Collective, are unlike anywhere else. We offer more than 2,000 of the highest-quality products available in the cannabis industry today. Our budtenders can provide you with the expertise, knowledge and experience to guide you through your first — or your 1,000th — cannabis experience.
Everybody has always talked about and wanted that “Cali bud.” It’s up to us, the legal cannabis operators of California, to maintain and exceed the reputation that our brave predecessors have laid before us.
As I’m writing this column, I’m feeling incredibly lucky to have the opportunities that I have. We are among the select few cannabis pioneers who are bringing the largest cannabis market on the planet from the shadows into the light.