Danielle Rosellison
Trail Blazin’ Productions
Bellingham, WA
How many times do you think “entrepreneurism” has been misdiagnosed as “manic” or “bipolar”? I mean seriously: We’re up; we’re down; we’re up again; we’re down again.
It’s like a rollercoaster from hell. Ironically, the guys I work with (including my best friend and husband Juddy) thrive off it. I, on the other hand, do not.
Don’t get me wrong, I am an adrenaline junkie. I love rollercoasters. I love bungee jumping. I love cliff jumping. I love to travel. But with those activities, it’s like you leave your real life to go and get that rush. Now that rush — that uncomfortable feeling followed by a surge of endorphins — is constant in my real life! It’s 24/7. Trying to make rent, payroll and utilities comes every month. The last week of the month makes or breaks you; that’s when you know whether you have a surplus or a deficit. And then? It starts all over again!
I’m hopeful that this cannabis industry ride is a lot like traveling.
When you’re traveling, you’re not always comfortable. It’s not always fun, but what you gain from the experience is why life is worth living. For instance, I remember being in Switzerland at 6 a.m., nursing a multiple-day hangover, after sitting on a train all night (because there weren’t any beds left) while an unparented 4-year-old ran back and forth between the train doors making sure no one within five rows slept a wink, only to learn that Switzerland was one of the only European countries NOT on the euro, and the hostel I was planning to stay at was full. Defeated, I sat down in an alley and cried and cried. Realizing that wasn’t going to fix anything, I wiped the tears away and found a solution. When I look back on the situation, I reminisce about what I accomplished and the confidence I gained because I did that. It’s a story of triumph, not a story of sorrow.
However, sitting in the alleyway, it certainly felt like a tale of sorrow.
I am certain that I will look back on these early cannabis days and be grateful for the experience. They will make me who I am in the future. I’m also sure that I will be thankful that they are in the past.
P.S. — Unsolicited advice: Make sure that you’re keeping a journal. This ride is going to make one heck of a movie.