Matt LaScala
Phoenix, AZ
Preparation is key on so many levels, but summertime in Arizona is a special kind of hot. So hot in fact, that if you do not plan for the increased temperature, increased UV exposure and unpredictable wind/rain/monsoons and make necessary adjustments, it can and will be a death blow for your plants and equipment alike.
For example, we discovered that we lost a pallet of perlite that we had been storing in a bulk sack outside in full sun one morning. The damage looked consistent with vandalism, as the bag had a vertical tear from top to bottom (a clean slice), but oddly there was only one damaged bag and no missing perlite. After reviewing security footage, we discovered that the packaging itself had failed after three weeks of exposure, dumping the perlite all over the yard. Thankfully it was only perlite, but it was a good lesson learned for everyone regarding the importance of considering the storage/shelf-life capabilities of all products and storage accommodations.
Give some extra attention to your air-handling equipment (we have recorded temperatures on our roof of 130 degrees), your outside storage and the integrity of packaging and verify solubility of nutrients being put in solution. Heat is generally a good thing when discussing solubility, but keep in mind the increased reaction times and microbial viability.
As the adage goes, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”