DIZPOT recently received a U.S. patent for its child-resistant paper tube that combines sustainability with key safety features.
“Securing this patent is a testament to the creativity and technical expertise we foster at DIZPOT,” DIZPOT co-founder John Hartsell said in a press release. “As the regulatory landscape evolves, we are committed to delivering cutting-edge products that not only meet the highest compliance standards but also reduce our industry’s environmental footprint.”
DIZPOT’s proprietary paper tube features a recyclable ASTM-certified child-resistant lid, a biodegradable tube and a food-grade liner, which is designed to preserve the integrity of the product while ensuring consumer safety.
“This paper tube is just the first in a line of many patented designs we plan to bring to the market,” Hartsell said.
The new development was conceived by DIZPOT’s in-house research and development team and designed by staff members Charlie Dains and AJ Keller. The goal of the paper tube was to provide a sustainable solution for operators that is both environmentally friendly and child resistant.
More information: dizpot.com.