As more states legalize cannabis, the relationship between employers and an employee’s legal cannabis use grows increasingly uncertain.
– Consider your brand’s story: Can you tell it in 30 seconds or less? If not, consider whether budtenders would care to convey it when…
The problems caused by a big oversupply of quality flower in Washington and Oregon have been well documented, and we’ve written about it numerous times…
If imitation is the highest form of flattery, counterfeiting should be quite the compliment. But in the cannabis industry, like other industries, counterfeiting not only…
The August 2019 issue of Marijuana Venture waves goodbye to the summer growing season and ushers in the fall harvest with feature articles on the…
Prospective adult-use cannabis operators in Massachusetts cannot pay lip service to diversity if they want to be awarded a permit. In late April, the Massachusetts…
“I had no idea what I was doing on an estate,” Zuccaro says. “It was not just growing pot — I had to learn how…
Bloom Farms grew cannabis until the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors approved a ban on cultivation in 2018. Ray hopes the hiatus is temporary, but…
It also has custom platforms for cultivators and another for vertically integrated cannabis businesses. Treez now has 50 employees and is responsible for tracking…
In 1892, Mark Twain’s novel “The American Claimant” immortalized the line, “There’s gold in them thar hills!” According to historians, the saying grew out of…