Colorado, Kentucky lead nation’s resurgence of hemp Several new states will begin hemp cultivation in 2016 By Eric Steenstra After decades of prohibition, hemp is…
Everything growers need to know about regulations on products that combat powdery mildew, spider mites and other common pests and diseases By Karli Petrovic When…
Disaster at Colorado Leaf By Garrett Rudolph In the cannabis industry, business owners grow accustomed to obstacles, delays and miles of red tape. But it’s…
Does vertical integration make sense for the cannabis industry? When you select a perfect peach at your local grocery store, it’s a safe bet that…
What drives retailers crazy? Building relationships with retailer partners is vital for those in the wholesale cannabis business, but what is the best way to…
Colorado company brings America back to the future By Joy Beckerman Morris Beagle of Tree Free Hemp is pioneering the reintroduction of hemp paper into…
The latest book by Bruce Barcott delves into the earliest days of legal cannabis in Washington and Colorado, creating a unique, intimate storyline even for…
By Garrett Rudolph The new industry of legalized marijuana in Alaska is already creating a palpable excitement for the future of The Last Frontier. By…
By Andre Dayani For years, Napa Valley has been heralded as the wine capital of the United States. The combination of exceptional grapes, picturesque landscapes…
By Steven P. Fuhr Managing member, aGroPack, LLC It’s referred to as the “pot tax” among I-502 licensees looking for space – the surcharge…