To qualify for a federal trademark registration, the use of a mark in commerce must be “lawful.” But the federal Controlled Substances Act prohibits, among…
For the past 20 years, sex-based workplace discrimination charges have been one of the most common employee-asserted claims before the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission,…
The backbone of any industry is the entrepreneurs and workers doing the day-in, day-out tasks to make any sector of the economy thrive. But beyond…
The February 2018 issue of Marijuana Venture is hitting retail stores and subscribers this week. Here’s a sneak preview of what’s inside:
As I recover from the hazy aftermath of the annual Marijuana Business Conference in Las Vegas, here are a few of my initial takeaways from…
Just days after California’s legal marijuana market opened to long lines and big sales, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Jan. 4 issued a…
Every business needs a name. In fact, most businesses have several. The legal name often lurks in the background and most consumers never see it,…
Hadley Ford followed a winding path to get where he is today. He was an aspiring chemical engineer before being thrown out of the University…
The legalization of adult-use marijuana in California will have a ripple effect throughout the cannabis industry in ways that won’t be fully realized for years…
With the funding secured, lease signed, and application approved or pending, it’s time to start designing and building the actual retail storefront. But before the…