Public relations can be an important component of your marketing and outreach efforts and should involve a clear and concise strategy. So how do cannabis…
Alexa Divett
With an estimated $6.7 billion in legal sales projected for 2016, accompanied by rapid changes in pro-cannabis public opinion and more states edging toward legalization,…
By Alexa Divett If you want to be a successful cannabis entrepreneur, you might want to take a vacation. Take a what? You might be…
Site significantly outperforms Facebook and Twitter By Alexa Divett Instagram is the fastest growing social network and arguably the most important network for business owners…
Alexa Divett & Jessica Pierron Co-founders Maya Media Collective Portland, Oregon Alexa Divett and Jessica Pierron started on their respective paths to the cannabis…
How To Use The Spirit of Collaboration To Ensure Success In Your Cannabusiness By Alexa Divett Making it as an entrepreneur requires a high risk…