Utah state capitol in Salt Lake City. Photo by Jkinsocal (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
Community leaders like Juanita Ramos believe the time is now to review and expand the availability and access to medical cannabis to the citizens of Utah. Ramos, along with the nonprofit United Patients Group have formed the Utah Association for Responsible Cannabis Legislation, working closely with Utah lawmakers, such as Rep. Gage Froerer (R-Huntsville) who is committed to bringing a more sensible and comprehensive medical cannabis solution to the people of Utah.
Several polls in the state indicate that two-thirds of Utah residents support legalizing marijuana for medical purposes.
Froerer has been working with Ramos, United Patients Group, as well as other legislators across the U.S. to craft a bill that will ensure “… that patients will have access to a safe, tested product that cannot be exploited for recreational purposes.”
“The bill also provides for strict enforcement for professional growers and processors as well as relevant education for our healthcare professionals in this emerging area of medicine,” Froerer said. “This will ultimately benefit a broader cross-section of patients who are in desperate need.”
John Malanca, founder of United Patients Group said, “While we applaud the efforts of lawmakers across the country in considering the healthcare needs of their constituents, some laws help only a small percentage of the patient population. What we typically find is not a stubborn resistance to the idea of cannabinoid medicine, but rather a lack of understanding and awareness of the true science that backs up the efficacy of the drug.”
More information: www.UnitedPatientsGroup.com.